Sellers will find that Amazon, Etsy and eBay have individual image size requirements. The marketplaces require sellers to use high-resolution photos to accompany their listings.
Here is what each marketplace say on product image requirements.
Amazon image size requirements
Amazon say that images submitted to the marketplace have to be at least 1280 pixels on the longest side, 2560 or larger preferred. If the minimum pixel dimension requirement is met, document size (inches, mm, points, etc), file data size (kb or MB size), bit count (8-bit, 16-bit, etc), and resolution (pixels/dots per inch), are not important.
The marketplace says that resizing small images to make them larger can reduce the picture quality. If photos are blurry or pixilated from upsizing or recompression damage Amazon will not post them to the site.
Etsy image size requirements
Etsy say that listing photos should be at least 2000 pixels wide. This allows shoppers to use the zoom button to see the larger image.
The first photo in a listing should be horizontal or square. This ensures that the centre focal point of the image appears in the cropped thumbnail views.
Etsy say that they automatically resize listings’ photos to make sure they “look great.” Here is the guide sellers should use to represent their products in photos the most appropriately: Dimensions for thumbnails on search results and shop pages are 5 x 75 pixels. Dimensions for images on listing pages are 170 x 135 pixels or 155 x 125 pixels.
eBay image size requirements
eBay say that the minimum and maximum image dimensions are 500×500 pixels and 9000×9000 pixels (height and width), respectively. Sellers should scale their images so they’re between 800-1600 pixels on the longest side. This allows buyers to use zoom-in functionality to see the products’ details.
The marketplace say that the size of an image must not exceed 12MB. eBay supports image formats including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, BMP and GIF.
Images photographed to high-standards make merchants’ offering look more presentable and attractive to shoppers.